Friday, May 23, 2008

A photo erry day

This is something I always wanted to do, but obviously I never did. It's a pretty huuuge endevour and I think the result is rather quite moving. Basically, photographer Jamie Livingston took a polariod every single day of his life from March 31st 1979 until October 25th 1997, the day he died. Kind of like a visual diary of his life, he tours us through his social life, his work, his love life and his struggle with and subsequent death at the hands of the dread cancer.

I think it's really really cool!

After he passed away in 1997 his friends collected the polariods and exhibited them at the Bertelsmann Campus Center at Bard College in New York as "PHOTO OF THE DAY: 1979-1997, 6,697 Polaroids, dated in sequence"
You can check out the whole collection at:

Numero uno!

My first ever blog post. I have high hopes for this little piece of internet space here. Hopefully a grand hub of intelligent thought, exciting discoveries and irreverent comment will emerge. Fingers crossed.